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发布日期:2014-10-18 点击数:





Sustainable environment and building in Australia


Dr Jian Zuo, Senior Lecturer, University of South Australia







Dr Jian Zuo is a senior lecturer at the School of Natural and Built Environments, University of South Australia. Dr Jian Zuo has made significant contributions in the field of sustainable built environment. Since 2005, Dr Jian Zuo has published more than 160 refereed journal articles, conference papers and book chapters. His publications are well recognized by the academic society, drawing more than 480 citations since 2011. Dr Jian Zuo’s contribution to the society is also recognized by being appointed as an expert assessor of the Australian Research Council (ARC). Dr Zuo has assessed ARC Discovery Projects, ARC Discovery Future Fellowships, ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards, and ARC Linkage Projects. Dr Zuo is also an external examiner of PhD thesis of the University of New South Wales, one of top universities in Australia.

Dr Jian Zuo’s research strength is also demonstrated by his capacity to win competitive grants (totalling more than $1m for Category 1 Australian Competitive Grant): the ARC Linkage Project “Re-considering Sustainable Building and Design” (G Zillante, L Wilson, J Zuo, S Pullen, J Palmer, F Schultmann, JY Wang, LP110100156), and the NCCARF Climate Change Adaptation Research Grants: “A Framework for Adaptation of Australian Households to Heat Waves” (W Saman, M Belusko, G Zillante, S Pullen, J Zuo et al.). Dr Jian Zuo also gained international reputation which is reflected in winning a number of competitive grants overseas, including the recent success of the National Natural Science Foundation of China grant with a project value of RMB575K. Dr Jian Zuo is also a regular reviewer for a number of top journals in construction project management such as: Construction Management and Economics (A ranked ERA 2010 journal); Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management (A* ranked ERA 2010 journal); and Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI impact factor: 6.018).

Dr Jian Zuo has close relationship with the industry. He is a core member of the Ecological Technology Institute of Construction Engineering and core Steering Committee Member of the China-Australia Centre of Sustainable Urban Development. In 2013, Dr Jian Zuo is invited by the Green Building Council Australia as a member of expert panel to review the current GBCA Green Star green building assessment tools and to develop the next generation of green building assessment tool. He is also invited by the Green Building Council Australia to develop the research agenda on green building development.


· Energy mix in Australia

· Energy policies in Australia

· Green building and its assessment

· University of South Australia

· Scholarships

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