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能动学术论坛 第49期

发布日期:2015-05-29 点击数:






Two Case Studies: Geothermal and Solar Thermal Power


Professor Hal Gurgenci

School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland


PM 15:00, Thursday, 4 June, 2015(2015.06.04周四15点)


4 Floor-conference hall of East BLDG(东配楼四层会议室)

Biography and Presentation Abstract

Professor Gurgenci has been working in energy-related research for the last 40 years. His past research has covered a diverse range of areas including nuclear power, fossil fuel extraction (extraction of coal and coal seam gas), geothermal energy, and solar thermal energy. Over that time, he has established a large research group at the University of Queensland developing advanced technologies for renewable power generation.

Today he will talk about the engineering challenges in two promising technologies for sustainable power generation: deep geothermal and concentrating solar thermal power. Both of these can serve for baseload power generation as well as being dispatchable. They are seen as essential in all future sustainable power generation strategies.

In the talk Professor Gurgenci will address the following issues:

² What is Deep Geothermal (also known as “Enhanced Geothermal Systems” or EGS)? Why is it relevant to a sustainable future?

² The present cost of deep geothermal power generation and the engineering challenges towards its commercial feasibility?

² What is Concentrating Solar Thermal Power (CST)? Why is it relevant to a sustainable future?

² The present cost of CST power generation and the engineering challenges towards its commercial feasibility?

² What is happening at the University of Queensland to advance in these two areas? How can you be a part of it?

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