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发布日期:2019-03-26 点击数:




主  题

The Way Forward in Numerical Investigation of the Atomic Layer Deposition Process and Its Application in New Energy R & D



任天健Daniel MashaoClinton AigbavboaElizabeth Makhatha 教授

时  间


地  点



任天健(Tien-Chien Jen)教授,1987年获台湾国立清华大学动力机械工程专业硕士学位,1993年获美国加利福利亚大学机械工程专业博士学位,南非约翰内斯堡大学机械系主任、教授,曾任美国威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校机械系主任、工学院代理经理、教授。他的主要研究方向是热加工技术、微/纳粒子喷射技术、绿色机械加工技术、燃料电池与氢能、新能源技术、多相流与传热、CFD和数值传热技术、材料成型中的纳米技术和生物传感技术等。已主持完成了美国自然科学基金(NSF)和环境保护局(EPA)等多项课题的研究,已在ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Engineering and Sciences等期刊和国际会议上发表论文150余篇。


The micro-semiconductor industry has ever since the inception, been confronted with the deposition of thinner films. These films are accompanied by some exceptional attributes to meet the requirement for the manufacture components with desired durability, efficiency and performance. The industry has, however, sort after atomic layer depositions (ALD) which has so far proven capable of depositing quality nano-films of superb features. These features are of utmost importance for advanced technology and to achieve optimized efficient products that require pin-hole-free, uniform, conformal and accurate thickness control. It is necessary to continually fathom and refined the knowledge of the fabrication process. The research endeavour within this field is studied by collaboration of Prof TC Jen and his team of researchers. The aim of understanding the thin film process of ALD is studied within the reactor to feature scale. The continuum, lattice Boltzmann, density function theory, molecular dynamics are utilized to numerical model the numerous phenomena inside the reactors and thin film features. This keynote reports on the current findings of the numerous research endeavours. This includes the behaviour and optimization of geometrical designs, ALD recipe refinements, velocity and exposure time phenomena, the chemical kinetics hypothesis, and the way forward in ALD numerical investigations.



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