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发布日期:2019-07-09 点击数:




主 题

Energy pathways   for the built environment:

from primary energy resources to final   energy services


Truong   Nguyen

Built   environment and Energy technology, Linnaeus University, Sweden

时 间


地 点



Truong Nguyen   has more than 20 years of research and work experience in the area of energy   conservation and energy system analysis. He has a Ph.D. in Building Energy   Technology in Linnaeus University, Sweden, a M.E. in Energy Technology in   Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, and a B.E. in Electrical and   Electronic Engineering in HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam.

Currently he is   a senior lecturer at Linnaeus University. Within teaching, his duties involve   several courses and lecturers for undergraduate and postgraduate levels   relating to district heat production and use, sustainable building and energy   system analysis, resources and energy management in the built environment,   etc. Besides, he has carried out several research projects in co-operation   with related authorities and companies. His research focus is to use the   concept of system analysis to evaluate and to compare primary energy use,   costs and environmental impacts of different technologies and systems in the   built environment. So far, he has published approximately 30 papers in   peer-reviewed journals and conferences.



This   presentation shows the general context of the built environment and what has   been done so far by the author under the Swedish context. Besides, effects of   final and primary energy savings for different energy efficiency measures in   multi-apartment buildings when heated by small-, medium- or large-scale   district-heat production systems are also discussed.


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