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发布日期:2019-07-19 点击数:




主 题

Humidity   and Temperature Independent Control Air Conditioning Technology in   Tri-Generation System


朱杰  博士

时 间


地 点






A tri-generation technology can be used to provide   decentralized electricity, heating and cooling powered by solar energy – the   Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector (CLFR) with membrane units. The   tri-generation is achieved by integration of steam engine with desiccant   cooling/heating technology. In this system, a regenerator, instead of a   condenser in steam engine cycle, is utilised by the desiccant unit as an   energy source to produce cooling/heating for air conditioning. The desiccant   cooling/heating system will use an innovative membrane technology to maximise   heat and mass transfer between the air and the desiccant solution and also   eliminate the carryover issue associated with liquid desiccant system. The   membrane desiccant cooling/heating system is able to operate using a low   temperature heat source, so would work efficiently with the discharged steam   from turbine. The desiccant working fluid also acts a thermal storage medium   and provides a means of thermal and power management to the turbine. In this   talk, I will present our recent research work on the humidity and temperature   independent control air conditioning technology in tri-generation system In   addition, I will briefly introduce our department research facility and   international collaboration opportunities, etc.


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