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发布日期:2019-11-14 点击数:




主 题

Role of Surface   Wettability Engineering in Enhancing Boiling Heat Transfer


九州大学 沈飚 教授

时 间


地 点



Heat   dissipation is a major safety concern for many industrial applications from   nuclear power reactors to computing infrastructure. Take data center—which is   responsible for about 2% of the total global electricity use in 2016—for example,   cooling costs account for a significant portion (as high as 50%) of that   energy consumption. Hence, it is of vital interests to develop of   high-efficiency reliable thermal management system so as to address the great  economic and environment concerns humanity faces in the times of urgent climate   crisis. Thanks to the large latent heat of vaporization, boiling proves to be   hundreds of times more efficient than either heat conduction or convection. Notwithstanding,   we still lack a complete mechanistic understanding of the boiling phenomenon given   the inherent complexity involved in the multiscale multiphase process.  Conventional enhancement of boiling heat transfer relies on largely empirical   modifications to the boiling surface, including microchannels, porous structure,   and reentrant cavities. In this talk, I will give you an overview of recent   advances in boiling enhancement using surface wettability engineering. Active   control of bubble behavior can be achieved by wettability patterning, which   entails attractive characteristics such as promotion of bubble nucleation due   to surface hydrophobicity and effective suppression of excessive bubble spreading   due to surface hydrophilicity. Consequently, surface design taking advantage   of heterogeneous wettabilities can lead to consistently efficient boiling   performance under various scenarios.

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