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发布日期:2017-06-05 点击数:

孙静 女,1985年生,山东烟台人。









担任Advances in Microwave Energy Transimission, Conversion and Applications特刊主编,https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/21546/advances-in-microwave-energy-transimission-conversion-and-applications

担任《Applied Energy》、《Fuel Processing Technology》、《Fuel》、《Energy conversion and management》、《Waste Magement》、《Energy》、《IEEE》、《Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research》等10多种期刊的特约审稿人。




20195月,在 Biomass/Waste Energy and Environment (BEE2019)国际会议上荣获Best Poster Award




20143月,在美国费城(Plidephia)举办的The Twenty-Ninth International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management国际会议上,作为唯一获奖的亚洲学者荣获大会唯一Russell Ackoff奖;



  1. 烟气污染物治理,主要针对“十四五”期间大气污染物重点攻关治理的挥发性有机物(VOCs)的绿色脱除展开研究。研究内容包括高效吸附材料(硅基、碳基、MOFs)的开发、低温催化燃烧技术及关键催化剂的研发、VOCsNOx的协同脱除、微波诱导等离子体氧化降解技术、针对化工、污水治理等工业源VOCs集成装备研发等,以及针对室内甲醛等VOCs的吸附-原位降解技术及净化装备研发。

  2. 储能技术及废旧锂电池资源化利用,主要研究碳基储能材料、金属氧化物@碳复合储能材料、废旧锂离子电池正极材料的再生利用、锂离子电池负极材料的开发和性能优化等。

  3. 生物质热解、气化关键技术研究,主要研究内容为生物质焦油的热转化技术、生物质制备活性炭技术、生物质热解油的加氢提质技术等。

  4. 微波诱导放电作用机制的发现、解析及在电子垃圾热解、新能源材料制备、有机污染物脱除等领域的应用。



2. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,ZR2019MEE035,基于微波诱导放电制备碳包覆磁性纳米颗粒的基础机制和应用价值研究,2019-072022-06,负责人

3.77779193永利主页欢迎您青年学者未来计划,2018 WLJH75,电磁耦合吸收介观换能体的设计优化及其诱导微波靶向作用机制研究,2018-072023-06,负责人

4.国家重点研发计划,2018YFB0605203-4 , 脱硫区后吸附床快速再生技术,2018-052021-04,负责人

5.国家重点研发计划,2017YFC070310 2-3,互补制备硫铝系高活性粉体材料的高通量动态匹配重构技术研究-32017-072021-06,负责人


7. 山东省科技厅项目,金属导体介入时微波场热电耦合过程的基础机制研究,负责人


9. 国家自然科学面上项目,特征微波加热/热解过程中介质吸波与金属放电耦合作用机制研究,第三位






1Jing Sun; Wang, Wenlong*; Yue, Qinyan; Ma, Chunyuan; Zhang, Junsong; Zhao, Xiqiang; Song, Zhanlong Review on microwave-metal discharges and their applications in energy and industrial processes. Applied Energy, 2016.8.1, 175: 141~157.

2Lv Y, Sun J, Yu G, et al. Hydrophobic design of adsorbent for VOC removal in humid environment and quick regeneration by microwave. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2020, 294: 109869.

3Wissem Ben Soltan, Wenlong Wang*, Jing Sun*, Thierry Toupance, Guanqun Yu and Faqi Li, Incorporating W cations into ZnO nanosheets: an efficient method towards ZnO/ZnWO4 photocatalysts for highly effective degradation of organic compounds under UV and visible-light irradiation. New Journal of Chemistry, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/d1nj00727k.

4Jing SUN,Guanqun YU, Kui AN, Wenlong WANG, Biao WANG, Zhenyu JIANG,Chenggong SUN, Yanpeng MAO, Xiqiang ZHAO, Zhanlong SONG,Microwave-induced high-energy sites and targeted energy transition promising for efficient energy deployment. Frontier in Energy 2021 (Accepted).

5Sun J, Jiang Z, Wang K, et al. Experimental Study on Microwave–SiC-Assisted Catalytic Hydrogenation of Phenol[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(11): 11092-11100.

6Jing Sun*; Qing Wang; Wenlong Wang*; Ke Wang Study on the Synergism of Steam Reforming and Photocatalysis for the Degradation of Toluene as a Tar Model Compound under Microwave-Metal Discharges. Energy, 2018.7.15, 155: 815~823.

7Jing Sun*; Yican Wang; Wenlong Wang*; Ke Wang; Jaxin Lu. Application of featured microwave-metal discharge for the fabrication of well-graphitized carbon-encapsulated Fe nanoparticles for enhancing microwave absorption efficiency. Fuel, 2018.12.1, 233: 669~676.

8Jing Sun*; Qing Wang; Wenlong Wang*; Ke Wang Plasma Catalytic Steam Reforming of a Model Tar Compound by Microwave-metal Discharges. Fuel, 2018.12.15, 234: 1278~1284.

9Jing Sun; Wang Qing; Wang Wenlong*; Song Zhanlong; Zhao Xiqiang; Mao Yanpeng; Ma Chunyuan Novel treatment of a biomass tar model compound via microwave-metal discharges. Fuel, 2017.11.1, 207: 121~125.

10Jing Sun*; Qing Wang; Wenlong Wang*; Ke Wang Exploiting the Photocatalytic Effect of Microwave-Metal Discharges for the Destruction of a Tar Model Compound. Energy & Fuels, 2018 1, 32(1): 241~245.

11Jing Sun; Ke Wang; Zhanlong Song*; YutingLv; Shouyan Chen, Enhancement of bio-oil quality: Metal-induced microwave-assisted pyrolysis coupled with ex-situ catalytic upgrading over HZSM-5. Journal of Analytical and AppliedPyrolysis, 2019, 137: 276~284.

12Wang Yican, Wang Wenlong*, Sun Jing*, Sun Chenggong, Feng Yukun, Li Zhe,Microwave-based preparation and characterization of Fe-cored carbon nanocapsules with novel stability and super electromagnetic wave absorption performance. Carbon, 2018,135:1-13Yukun Feng; Wenlong Wang*; Yican Wang; Jing Sun*; Chao Zhang; Qamar Shahzad; Yanpeng Mao; Xiqiang Zhao; Zhanlong Song Experimental study of destruction of acetone in exhaust gas using microwave-induced metal discharge. Science of the Total Environment, 2018.12.15, 645: 788~795.

14Jing Sun; Wang, Wenlong*; Yue, Qinyan* Review on Microwave-Matter Interaction Fundamentals and Efficient Microwave-Associated Heating Strategies. Materials, 2016.4, 9(4): 231.

15Zhou Yuli; Wang Wenlong*; Jing Sun*; Fu Lunjing; Song Zhanlong; Zhao Xiqiang; Mao Yanpeng Microwave-induced electrical discharge of metal strips for the degradation of biomass tar. Energy, 2017.5.1, 126: 42~52.

16Wang, Wenlong*; Fu, Lunjing; Jing Sun*; Mao, Yanpeng; Zhao, Xiqiang; Song, Zhanlong; Grimes, Sue*; Experimental Study of Microwave-Induced Discharge and Mechanism Analysis Based on Spectrum Acquisition. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2017.8, 45(8): 2235~2242.

17Zhou, Yuli; Wang, Wenlong*; Jing Sun*; Ma, Xiaoling; Song, Zhanlong; Zhao, Xiqiang; Mao, Yanpeng. Direct calorimetry study of metal discharge heating effects induced by microwave irradiation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017.10, 125: 386~393.

18Wang, Wenlong; Wang, Biao; Jing Sun*; Mao, Yanpeng; Zhao, Xiqiang; Song, Zhanlong Numerical simulation of hot-spot effects in microwave heating due to the existence of strong microwave-absorbing media. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(58): 52974~52981. (IF=2.936)

19Zhou Yuli; Wang Wenlong*; Jing Sun*; Song Zhanlong; Zhao Xiqiang; Mao Yanpeng. Decomposition of methylbenzene over Fe0/ZSM-5 under microwave irradiation. Catalysis Communications, 2017.6, 96: 63~68.


20马春元,宋占龙,赵希强,毛岩鹏,孙静 著,微波在能源环境中的应用研究,北京:科学出版社,2019.


21、一种基于微波淬灭的电子垃圾热解处置方法,2019-03-01,中国,CN107062270 B  授权

22、一种核壳型碳包覆铁纳米复合材料的制备方法,2019-04-02,中国,CN107127335B  授权

23、一种可微波快速再生的疏水型超稳Y分子筛的制备方法,201945日,中国,CN109569507A  授权。



  1. Featured microwave induced discharges for enhancing energy efficiency and promoting chemical reactions in a variety of fields. 255th National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS) - Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water, 2018.3.18, New Orleans, LA, USA.

  2. Novel discharge-based technology for converting tar compounds into fuel gas. 255th National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS) - Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water, 2018.3.18, New Orleans, LA, USA.

  3. Oriented microwave energy conversion based on metal-triggered discharges and its application in VOCs/Tar destruction 254th National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), 2017, 254, WASHINGTON, DC, USA.








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