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发布日期:2016-07-11 点击数:



Tel: 18963063890

Email: juanchen@sdu.edu.cn



2007.09-2013.03华中科技大学 煤燃烧国家重点实验室 博士

2010.05-2012.03澳大利亚 Monash University 化工系 联合培养博士

2003.09-2007.0677779193永利主页欢迎您 77779193永利首页官网 学士



2013.04-2015.04 日本Chubu University 应用化学系 博士后

2016.04-至今 77779193永利主页欢迎您 77779193永利首页官网 副研究员






(1) 国家重点研发计划子课题,2020.11-2024.04(主持)

(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目No. 517761122018.01-2021.12(主持)

(3) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(No. 51406062),2015.01-2017.12(主持)

(4) 山东省重点研发计划(2018GGX104019),2018.01-2019.12(主持)

(5) 77779193永利主页欢迎您青年学者未来计划,2018.07-2023.06(主持)

(6) 77779193永利主页欢迎您人才引进与培养类专项,2016.01-2018.12(主持)

(7) 动力工程及工程热物理学科优秀青年教师提升计划,2016-2020(主持);

(8) 其他:参与国家地区联合基金、山东省面上项目、国家国际科技合作专项等。


  1. Xin Zhang; Jiyun Tang; Juan Chen*, Behavior of sulfur during pyrolysis of waste tires: A critical review. Journal of the Energy Institute 2022, 102: 302-314.

  2. Hao Liu, Yajun Wang, Xiaohan Ren, Huanhuan Xu, Juan Chen*, Study on the transformation of Zn, Mn and Cr during sewage sludge combustion. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 2022, 161: 819-826.

  3. Yang Yu; Xiaoyu Li; Ruihua Zhao; Hao Liu; Juan Chen*, Gaseous selenium removal by metal oxide sorbent: Experimental and density functional theory study. Fuel 2022, 325, 124904.

  4. Xiaoyu Li; Juan Chen*; Ruihua Zhao; Zhongpu Xiong; Chunmei Lu, Determination on the activity of formed CaSO4 for arsenic adsorption during arsenic capture by CaO with the presence of SO2: Experimental and density functional theory study. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 427, 132015.

  5. Yang Yu; Ruihua Zhao; Juan Chen*; Hong Yao, The effect of SO2 on CaO capture selenium in the flue gas: density functional theory and experimental study. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 431, 134267.

  6. Yi Xiao, Ruihua Zhao, Juan Chen*, Fixation of Phosphorus in Ash during Cocombustion of Sewage Sludge and Coals: Influence of Coal and Steam. Energy & Fuels 2022, 36: 4396-4403.

  7. Yi Xiao, Xiaohan Ren, Juan Chen*, Effect of Magnesium Additives on Phosphorous Recovery during Sewage Sludge Combustion and Further Improvement of Bioavailable Phosphorous. Energies 2022, 15(3): 1-13.

  8. Xiaoyu Li; Juan Chen*;  Yi Xiao; Shouyan Chen; Chunmei Lu; Guangqian Luo; Hong Yao, Fate of chromium with the presence of HCl and steam during oxy-coal combustion: Quantum chemistry and experimental study. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 412, 125218.

  9. Yang Yu; Ruihua Zhao; Xiaoyu Li; Juan Chen*; Hong Yao, Mechanism of CaO and Fe2O3 capture gaseous arsenic species in the flue gas: DFT combined thermodynamic study. Fuel 2022, 312, 122838.

  10. Xiaoyu Li; Juan Chen*; Chunmei Lu; Guangqian Luo; Hong Yao, Performance of Mo modified γ-Fe2O3 catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with ammonia: Presence of arsenic in flue gas. Fuel 2021, 294, 120552.

  11. Xiaoyu Li; Juan Chen*; Chunmei Lu; Guangqian Luo; Hong Yao, Mechanism of N2O generation over chromium poisoned γ-Fe2O3 catalyst during selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3. Fuel 2021, 299, 120910.

  12. Xiaoyu Li; Juan Chen*; Yi Xiao; Chunmei Lu; Hong Yao, Insight into the homogenous and heterogeneous transformation behavior of arsenic on commercial V2O5-WO3-TiO2 and novel γ-Fe2O3 catalysts during selective catalytic reduction of NOx. Fuel 2021, 301, 121051.

  13. Yi Xiao; Ruihua Zhao; Zhongpu Xiong; Xiaoyu Li; Juan Chen*; Hong Yao, Transformation of phosphorous during incineration of sewage sludge: Influence of steam and mineral. Fuel 2021, 303, 121307.

  14. Xiaoyu Li; Juan Chen*; Yang Yu; Ruihua Zhao; Chunmei Lu, Comprehensive insight into the role of HCl on arsenic capture by CaO during coal combustion: A combined experimental and theoretical study. Fuel 2022, 122474.

  15. Xiaoyu Li; Juan Chen*; Shouyan Chen; Chunmei Lu; Guangqian Luo; Hong Yao, Performance of Mg-Ti modified iron-based catalyst in NH3-SCR of NO at the presence of arsenic: Influence of oxygen and temperature. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 2021, 101, 387-396.

  16. Juan Chen, Facun Jiao, Zhongbing Dong, Osamu Niyomura, Tomoaki Namioka, Naoomi Yamada, Yoshihiko Ninomiya, Effect of kaolin on ash partitioning during combustion of a low-rank coal in O2/CO2 atmosphere, Fuel, 2018, 222, 538-543.

  17. Xiaoyu Li, Hui Dong, Juan Chen,* Chunmei Lu, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao Transformation of Organically Bound Chromium during Oxy-coal Combustion: the Influence of Steam and MineralEnergy & Fuels201832(2), 1992–1998

  18. Juan Chen, Yoshihiko Ninomiya, Hiroshi Naganuma, Yoriaki Sasaki, Manabu Noguchi, Hiromitsu Cho, Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo Yoshiie and Ichiro Naruse. Development of Thermal Spraying Materials through Several Corrosion Tests for Heat-exchanged Tubes of Incinerators. Fuel Processing Technology, 2016, 141: 216-224.

  19. Juan Chen, Facun Jiao, Lian Zhang, Hong Yao and Yoshihiko Ninomiya. Elucidating the Mechanism of Cr(VI) Formation upon the Interaction with Metal Oxides during Coal Oxy-fuel Combustion. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 261: 260-268.

  20. Juan Chen, Hong Yao and Lian Zhang. A Study on The Calcinations and Sulphation Behavior of Limestone during Oxy-fuel Combustion. Fuel, 2012, 102: 386-395.

  21. Juan Chen, Facun Jiao, Lian Zhang, Hong Yao and Yoshihiko Ninomiya. Use of Synchrotron XANES and Cr-doped Coal to Further Confirm the Vaporization of Organically Bound Cr and the Formation of Chromium(VI) During Coal Oxy-Fuel Combustion. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46: 3567-3573.  

  22. Juan Chen, Baiqian Dai, Fiona Low and Lian Zhang. XANES Investigation on Sulfur Evolution during Victorian Brown Coal Char Gasification in Oxy-fuel Combustion Mode. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26: 4775-4782.

  23. Juan Chen, Hong Yao, Pingan Zhang, Li Xiao, Guangqian Luo, Minghou Xu. Control of PM1 by Kaolin or Limestone during O2/CO2 Pulverized Coal Combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2011, 33: 2837-2843.

  24. 汪亚军,陈娟*,姚洪,成濑一郎. 锅炉水冷壁热喷涂镍基涂层抗腐蚀性能研究, 工程热物理学报,2021, 1906-1915.

  25. 熊中朴, 于洋, 陈文洋,陈娟* ,砷//氧体系中均相反应机理的研究, 燃料化学学报,2021,49918-923.

  26. 石梦雅,陈娟*, 罗光前, 姚洪。西部低阶煤中铬赋存形态及燃烧排放特性研究。工程热物理学报, 201738 (6): 1344-1350.

  27. 李箫玉, 董卉, 赵小平, 陈娟*, 路春美, 姚洪. 富氧燃烧下水蒸气对矿物捕集铬的影响[J]. 化工学报, 2018, 69(6): 2714-2721.

  28. 董卉,陈娟*,李箫玉,邵莉. 烧结剂对新疆粉煤灰中锂浸出的作用特性, 化工进展,2018

  29. 陈娟,罗光前,徐明厚,姚洪。O2/N2O2/CO2下吸附剂控制燃煤PM1排放。华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)201038(2): 125-128

  30. 陈娟,罗光前,张平安,肖黎,徐明厚,姚洪。O2/CO2气氛下高岭土和石灰石控制燃煤PM1排放的试验研究。动力工程,200929(12): 1148-1154


  31. 一种燃烧过程中减少重金属铬排放的方法(ZL201710978829.2

  32. 一种从粉煤灰中浸出锂的方法(ZL201710835276.5

  33. 一种烟气换热管的防护涂层及其制备方法(ZL201810779820.3

  34. 一种从废旧钴酸锂电池中回收锂钴的浸出体系及其方法和应用。(2020114751533

  35. 一种钛系锂离子筛及其制备方法与应用。(202110271278.2)


(1) 李箫玉,2018级博士(协助指导),发表论文10篇(其中SCI论文8篇),获2022年77779193永利主页欢迎您优秀毕业生、2022年77779193永利首页官网第五届优秀学术成果展一等奖、2021年77779193永利主页欢迎您学术之星提名奖(全校遴选9人获奖、8人提名)、2021年77779193永利首页官网榜样之星(学术科研类)、2021年77779193永利首页官网第四届优秀学术成果展二等奖,现于清华大学做博士后。

(2) 董卉,2016.09-2019.06,硕士,就职于上海华为技术有限公司。

(3) 汪亚军,2017.09-2020.06,硕士,就职于浪潮集团。

(4) 赵小平,2017.09-2020.06,硕士,就职于中国重汽。

(5) 陈文洋,2017.09-2020.06,硕士,就职于中广核研究院。

(6) 肖逸,2018.09-2021.06,硕士,华中科技大学煤燃烧国家重点实验室攻读博士。

(7) 熊中朴,2018.09-2021.06,硕士,就职于广州五所环境仪器有限公司。

(8) 赵瑞华,2019.09-2022.06,硕士,就职于浪潮集团。

(9) 于洋,硕士在读,已发表SCI论文3篇(Chemical Engineering Journal一区1篇,Fuel二区2)。

(10) 张鑫,硕士在读,已发表SCI论文1篇(Journal of the Energy Institute)。

(11) 刘皓,硕士在读,已发表SCI论文1篇(Process Safety and Environmental Protection)。

(12) 罗云,硕士在读,已撰写综述1篇,研究论文1篇。








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